About us

PACKZY, the complete printing and packaging solutions. A Packzy branding and packaging solution offers few of the very specialized creative services, Founded in 2010. SPECIALIZED IN MET-PET, DRIP UV MONO CARTONS AND BASIC CARTONS. Brand Strategy | Brand Identity | Packaging Designs.


  • Sticker Manufacturers

  • Gift Box Manufacturers

  • Sticker Makers

  • Box Manufacturers

  • Sweet Box Manufacturers

  • Packaging Box Manufacturers

  • Paper Box Manufacturers


Packzy is located in Avinashi, Tiruppur which is a Packaging company in Tiruppur. Image of Packzy, Contact Details of Packzy, Address of Packzy, Services of Packzy, Categories of Packzy, About Packzy, Official website link of Packzy are attached to this Page. You can Enquiry with Packzy by submitting your details

Frequently Asked Question

1.What is the Location of Packzy?

Answer - Packzy is located in Avinashi, Tiruppur

2.What is the official Website address of Packzy?

Answer - No Official Web link Provided

3.What is the Category of Packzy?

Answer - It is a Packaging company in Tiruppur

4.What are the various mode of payment accepted here ?

Answer - You can make payment Via Cash, Cheques and all online mode payments to Packzy.