
  • Free Delivery available for selected areas

  • Delicious Home made Biriyani


  • Biryani Centers


3 Star Biriyani is located in Maravaneri, Salem which is a Biryani Centers in Salem. Image of 3 Star Biriyani, Contact Details of 3 Star Biriyani, Address of 3 Star Biriyani, Services of 3 Star Biriyani, Categories of 3 Star Biriyani, About 3 Star Biriyani, Official website link of 3 Star Biriyani are attached to this Page. You can Enquiry with 3 Star Biriyani by submitting your details

Frequently Asked Question

1.What is the Location of 3 Star Biriyani?

Answer - 3 Star Biriyani is located in Maravaneri, Salem

2.What is the official Website address of 3 Star Biriyani?

Answer - No Official Web link Provided

3.What is the Category of 3 Star Biriyani?

Answer - It is a Biryani Centers in Salem

4.What are the various mode of payment accepted here ?

Answer - You can make payment Via Cash, Cheques and all online mode payments to 3 Star Biriyani.