About us

Creative Fab India is a dream driven cloth manufacturing company focused on developing and providing high level quality products with the effective use of technology. Our aim is to make products beautiful, long-lasting and inexpensive.


  • Air Pillow Manufacturers

  • Table Cloth Manufacturers

  • Sofa Manufacturers

  • Pillow Cover Manufacturers

  • Manufacturer of Home Furnishing

  • Plastic Curtain Manufacturers

  • Carpet Manufacturers

  • Fancy Hardware Manufacturers

  • Mattress Manufacturers

  • Curtain Manufacturers

  • Mosquito Net Manufacturers

  • Printed Bed Sheet Manufacturers

  • Wooden Products Manufacturers

  • Pillow Manufacturers

  • Bed Sheet Manufacturers


Creative Fab India is located in Sankar Nagar, Salem which is a Home Furnishing Manufacturer in Salem. Image of Creative Fab India, Contact Details of Creative Fab India, Address of Creative Fab India, Services of Creative Fab India, Categories of Creative Fab India, About Creative Fab India, Official website link of Creative Fab India are attached to this Page. You can Enquiry with Creative Fab India by submitting your details

Frequently Asked Question

1.What is the Location of Creative Fab India?

Answer - Creative Fab India is located in Sankar Nagar, Salem

2.What is the official Website address of Creative Fab India?

Answer - http://www.Creativefabindia.com

3.What is the Category of Creative Fab India?

Answer - It is a Home Furnishing Manufacturer in Salem

4.What are the various mode of payment accepted here ?

Answer - You can make payment Via Cash, Cheques and all online mode payments to Creative Fab India.